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Build from Source

This documentation aims to help you build Mariana Trench from source and run the tests.

Supported Platforms

Mariana Trench is currently supported on macOS (tested on Big Sur 11.4) and Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS).


Below is a list of the required dependencies. Most of them can be installed with Homebrew.

  • A C++ compiler that supports C++17 (GCC >= 7 or Clang >= 5)
  • Python >= 3.6
  • CMake >= 3.19.3
  • zlib
  • Boost >= 1.75.0
  • GoogleTest >= 1.10.0
  • JsonCpp >= 1.9.4
  • fmt >= 7.1.2, <= 8.1.1
  • RE2
  • Java (Optional)
  • Android SDK (Optional)
  • Redex (master)

Building and Installing

Install all dependencies with Homebrew

First, follow the instructions to install Homebrew on your system.

Then, make sure homebrew is up-to-date:

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade

Finally, install all the dependencies.

On macOS, run:

$ brew install python3 git cmake zlib boost googletest jsoncpp re2

On Linux, run:

$ brew install git cmake zlib boost jsoncpp re2
$ brew install googletest --build-from-source # The package is currently broken.
$ export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/jsoncpp:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/zlib

On Linux, you will need to install Java to run the tests. For instance, on Ubuntu, run:

$ sudo apt install default-jre default-jdk

Clone the repository

First of, clone the Mariana Trench repository. We will also set an environment variable MARIANA_TRENCH_DIRECTORY that points to it for the following instructions.

$ git clone
$ cd mariana-trench

Installation directory

We do not recommend installing Mariana Trench as root. Instead, we will install all libraries and binaries in a directory "install". We will also use a directory called "dependencies" to store dependencies that we have to build from source. Run the following commands:

$ mkdir install
$ mkdir dependencies

Building fmt

The 9.0 release of fmt has breaking changes that Mariana Trench is not yet compatible with, so for now, you need to build the library from source. You will need to do the following:

$ cd "$MARIANA_TRENCH_DIRECTORY/dependencies"
$ git clone -b 8.1.1
$ mkdir fmt/build
$ cd fmt/build
$ make -j4
$ make install

Building Redex

We also need to build Redex from source, run:

$ cd "$MARIANA_TRENCH_DIRECTORY/dependencies"
$ git clone
$ mkdir redex/build
$ cd redex/build
$ make -j4
$ make install

Building Mariana Trench

Now that we have our dependencies ready, let's build the Mariana Trench binary:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake \
$ make -j4
$ make install

Finally, let's install Mariana Trench as a Python package. First, follow the instructions to create a virtual environment. Once inside a virtual environment (after using the activate script), run:

$ python scripts/ \
--binary "$MT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/bin/mariana-trench-binary" \
--pyredex "$MT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/bin/pyredex" \

Testing during development

If you are making changes to Mariana Trench, you can use the mariana-trench wrapper inside the build directory:

$ cd build
$ ./mariana-trench --help

This way, you don't have to call scripts/ between every changes. Python changes will be automatically picked up. C++ changes will be picked up after running make.

Note that you will need to install all python dependencies:

$ pip install pyre_extensions fb-sapp

Running the tests

To run the tests after building Mariana Trench, use:

$ cd build
$ make check


Here are a set of errors you might encounter, and their solutions.

CMake Warning: Ignoring extra path from command line: ".."

You probably tried to run cmake from the wrong directory. Make sure that $MARIANA_TRENCH_DIRECTORY is set correctly (test with echo $MARIANA_TRENCH_DIRECTORY). Then, run the instructions again from the beginning of the section you are in.

error: externally-managed-environment

You probably tried to run python scripts/ without a virtual environment. Create a virtual environment first.

undefined reference to pthread_create@GLIBC

This seems to happen on Linux, when your operating system has an old version of glibc, which doesn't match the version used by Homebrew. Try upgrading your operating system to the last version.

Another option is to use the compiler (gcc) from Homebrew directly:

$ brew install gcc
export CC=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/cc
export CXX=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/c++

You will need to run all the instructions from this page again, starting from Clone the repository. We recommend starting from scratch, i.e delete the mariana-trench directory.